In the recent Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (“HRTO”) decision of L.N. v. Ray Daniel Salon & Spa, the HRTO awarded the applicant $180,000 as a result of the sexual harassment that she suffered in the workplace (as well as other kinds of discrimination and threats).
This decision stands out as one of the larger awards granted by the HRTO with respect to workplace discrimination and harassment. The damages awarded by the HRTO to successful applicants can often be rather modest.
It is the respectful opinion of this author that the award granted by the HRTO – although large as measured by past HRTO awards – does not go nearly far enough to address the tremendous damage done to the applicant and what will likely be lifelong trauma that will result from these vicious attacks. Perhaps this decision marks a step in the right direction, moving towards more significant awards for victims of similar sexual assaults in the workplace in the future.
